Where grasses sway

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Saturday's walk took us round fields and along old footpaths which I imagine have been walked for hundreds of years. It must have been a bountiful one as I took 254 pictures in just over an hour and a half, presumably many repeats and not forgetting a handful of me. As I'm sort on time but long on enthusiasm I've started at the beginning to share the first few.

 Bees and butterfies enjoying the nectar of knapweed.
 Yarrow now in bloom which will last 'til the frosts.
 Is this lady's bedstraw? I've not found it idenifiable as uet.


 The barley is ripening
 Perforate St John's wort?

 Oxeye daisies...
Elegant knapweed.

Keep your eyes peeled, you never know what you might see.

Take care,

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