Scarlet elf cup

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


A scarlet elf cup! How exciting to see  - I nearly disregarded it as a piece of litter. The colour was so unexpected, it could have been a plastic lid just dropped in the undergrowth, curling at the edges. 

Speedwell about to flower

Even red dead nettle is good to see at this time of year. All flowers welcome.
I saw the plant below, and wasn't sure of it so I did a search for butterbur and it does look like some of the images. This looks like it's soon to flower, rather than actually in flower. The above, which I know as winter heliotrope also appeared as butterbur so I'll conject they may be related. 

There's not enough wild clematis round our patch. Lovely to see this.

Some monster foxglove clumps!

Finally, a jay. Pleased to photograph one at a recognisable distance!

Take care,

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