
Thursday 26 September 2013



Dress – eBay, cardigan and bag – charity shop, sunnies - QD

The glorious spell of weather we had at the weekend had to be taken advantage of so I whipped this summer dress out of storage plus this cardigan (which has never been worn by me even though I’ve owned it well over a year now). The 3/4 sleeves area major drawback for me and my chilly forearms.
I have amassed what may well be hundreds of photographs from out and about over the past month that I have yet to really look through let alone pick out and tinker with ready to share. That does seem to be the main drawback of getting really into photography, all the admin afterwards! Once again I'm getting that temptation to start looking at upgrading to an SLR from my old bridge, the main factor stopping me is that horror about the PRICE! I was lucky that Husband gave me this old Konica Minolta bridge which he had long finished with so I don't even know how much it cost us to start with. As a dreadfully clumsy person the idea of forking out a not-insignificant sum on a camera and then - gulp - accessories, is freaking me out! I do feel much safer with this old sturdy contraption but sadly it's not cutting the mustard anymore. The focus is dreadfully slow to get ready, meaning many action shots don't even have the subject in the picture!  All very exasperating.
Have you got any SLR advice for me?