
Monday 4 August 2014

The Cavalry

household cavalry

Is this not the cutest thing ever?

household cavalryhousehold cavalryhousehold cavalryhousehold cavalryhousehold cavalry


It's been such a wonderful weekend full of summer joy with plenty to share with you (along with stuff dating back weeks that still hasn't surfaced amongst the hubbub yet) so brace yourself for an influx of news, views and very interesting..... things.

These pictures are from a few weeks ago when we went along to the Household Cavalry open day which is always a fabulous day out. The weather was just perfect, warm but not too hot so comfortable for us as well as not too taxing on the horses.

I'm not happy at all with the photographs I took as there were so many obstructions that they look pants but these are the best of the bunch.

household cavalryhousehold cavalryhousehold cavalryhousehold cavalryhousehold cavalryhousehold cavalryhousehold cavalryhousehold cavalry

I hope you had a great weekend too, tell me all about it (and send me links if you're blogging it). Let's make his week a good one, eh?
