
Thursday 11 September 2014

Jeans shopping

House of Fraser Mango skinny Olivia jeans

Jeans shopping. The two words that give a girl that sinking feeling regardless of body confidence. There is something about trying to find a pair of jeans to fit right that is at best a headache and at worst heartbreaking.
We've all been there, haven't we? (Patronising tone). I put myself into the category of 'happy with my figure and think I'm a pretty regular shape' so it shouldn't be that hard to find a pair to fit, but oh no, not the case. 
It's incredible the variation in fits and cuts of jeans out there; admittedly that is to cater for everyone but good grief it all feels rather uphill to find that pair that fit just right. I've tried on some (in my size) that hardly squash my thighs in yet have a gaping waist, ones that think I have half again larger hips but not a hope in hell of getting the button done up. Ones that are hilariously short and hilariously long, some that fall off of their own accord and some that need a second pair of hands to wrestle them off.

The moral of the story is that it's not you - it's the jeans.

House of Fraser Mango skinny Olivia jeans

House of Fraser Mango skinny Olivia jeansHouse of Fraser Mango skinny Olivia jeans

I have long since given up going shopping for jeans, I always keep an eye out for good jeans in charity shops (you know me!). I don't bother with anything that doesn't either look new or has a poor/unheard of brand name. I need hard wearing jeans as once I find a pair that fit I want to wear them for years on end before they die a death on me. Sadly my once large collection of jeans has been looking depleted recently as pairs have given up the ghost which I was only pondering last week when most conveniently House of Fraser offered to send me a pair of skinny jeans. They have a vast collection, which is easy to peruse online as the pictures give a great visual image of the shape and fit which takes much of the guesswork out of shopping.

My chosen pair are these Mango skinny Olivia jeans which are my kind of fit, like a glove. They have a brilliant amount of stretch to them which renders them marvellously comfortable to wear and one of those items which I'll reach for time and time again when in doubt of what to wear, knowing they will make me feel great plus will go with just about everything.

Worn here with a random old vest top and a pair of shoes I meant to get rid of but can't quite bear to let go.
Tell me your jeans stories!
