
Wednesday 19 November 2014

Searching for the psammead

perfect tweed midi skirtperfect tweed midi skirt

Tweed. I like tweed. I like the sturdy nature of the fabric, the way it can keep out a draft, the classic look which never feels old. When I found this skirt I was over the moon; it's a size too big so ideally I need to take it in a little so it will fit my waist as opposed to hang on my hips but beggars can't be choosers. The length is utterly respectable and I love the banding parallel to the hem, it stops it being completely plain. The shirt is another recent find, it's a pleasingly roomy fit and will be perfect for wearing under pinafore dresses and jumpers too.

perfect tweed midi skirt

Just to be a little different I put my hair into a messy side plait (it was only ever going it be messy on a breezy day) which looks so short. My hair is frustratingly slow growing and I swear more gets cut off each time than there is in new growth!

Shirt and skirt – charity shops, jewellery – miscellaneous, tights – old, boots – yard sale

Have you ever searched for the psammead? I hope at least some of you know what I'm talking about.
