
Wednesday 6 May 2015

Bright and breezy

girl wearing a dress in yellow fieldgirl wearing a dress in yellow fieldgirl wearing a dress in yellow field


girl wearing a dress in yellow field

How I've missed all the colours that nature treats us to over spring and summer. The bright yellow fields of oil seed rape in full bloom are utterly incredible, I can't get enough of their sunshine glow. I've seen a few bloggers a-frolicking in the fields in their posts and I feel like nosily enquiring whether they realise the pollen is a bitch to get off. A few years ago we were rambling along footpaths and had to follow a narrow track through an oil seed rape field which was at least hip height, if not shoulder (I'm sure farmers used to grow a taller variety? Someone advise me) and the pollen got everywhere! It was a jolly good thing I'm not a sufferer of hayfever! A friend who had it really bad would pretty much dissolve within eyeshot of a field of the stuff which is a bit of an issue in our part of the world in spring. Personally, I love the thick, overpowering smell of the flowers. It brings back memories of riding down the lanes on horseback when I didn't have a care in the world. Good times.

girl wearing a dress in yellow field

This smock dress is one I've had a while and would probably get worn more often if it were a few inches longer. I've worn it before with leggings, jeans and shorts underneath but I don't really like that, so throwing caution (and a flimsy hem) to the wind I went out with bare legs. My style isn't complete without a pair of boots; I've settled on these strappy, buckled, cut out boots from Chockers as a go-to choice for summer. My ankles can stay a bit cooler while out walking and this low heel is an undeniably practical compromise between a flat boot and a proper heel. I'm probably going to wear them with socks. Socks and boots rock.

Much love,
