
Tuesday 2 May 2017

Wildflowers in the woods

wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk
Have I ever shared wild orchids with you before? I know I've photographed a couple but maybe I 'saved them for a rainy day'. It happens, like with voles or fleeting glances of kingfishers; in my mind they are the nuggets of gold to be brought out at the right time which inevitably never materialises. Nevertheless, all wild flowers are beautiful and inspiring in their own right. On the day I visited Foxley woods back at Easter there was so much more than just bluebells (I know, bluebells are blindingly beautiful) but there is plenty more behind the scenes.   
wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk

wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk

wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk

wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk
Primroses in such a delicate shade of lemon yellow.
wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk

wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk

wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk

wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk

wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk

wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk

wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk

wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk

wildflowers in the woods in spring NorfolkWild violets...
wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk
Don't forget that bluebells also come in pink and white as well. Ooooh!
wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk
Wood anenome. White beauties.
wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk

wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk

wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk

wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk

wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk
This is..... no wait, I'm looking this up. Apparently these pink drooping flowers are water avens. My wild flower book has come in very useful so far!
wildflowers in the woods in spring Norfolk
And ending on another orchid note. Visual delight.