
Thursday 12 April 2018

Aysgill Falls and the last from the Yorkshire Dales

It's the very last post from our Yorkshire Dales trip back in March and I'm sharing the best waterfall that we saw during the week. The walk we took was from our cottage door as a grey morning evolved into a blue sky day. Yes, there was still a hefty load of snow; remember when the Beast from the East dumped a monstrous load on the whole country just as we thought it was safe to consider it spring? It lingered a couple of weeks in places, certainly tucked away ones.

It was only after having trudged through snow drifts up to our knees up with hill that we reached a sign on a gate which casually announced the presence of cows with calves and although C scouted it out I wasn't taking any chances so there was nothing to do but retrace our steps, quite literally in the huge footprints we had created. The walk would have taken us up, up and across the plateau of the upland before descending again a few miles up the road. It wasn't to be and I have no regrets about missing out on this.

The road itself headed uphill and was mostly empty save for a few cars and farm quads racing around. I guess it's not exactly a through route. C had claimed on several occasions to have seen hares but I couldn't see any on foot, though at a later date I did from the comfort of the car's passenger seat though the low light and distance meant that photographs weren't happening.

The Aygsill waterfall was simple and beautiful. We shared it with no-one and the path, though wet as heck was all ours.

Boggy steps anyone?

Such restoratively peaceful views.

Walking back across the river, below I think this was an old paper mill.

All in all it was a really good week away. It did provoke a few dilemmas being on a healthy lifestyle mindset but it felt like we made some compromises both ways and as it turned out we didn't gain any weight while away yet still felt like the time was spent well and we indulged in what we fancied. We exercised 5 or 6 times without disrupting our days, ate tasty food, let our hair loose with snacks and drinks. There weren't any places in the area that we could especially recommend, but I did have a divine steak pie at The Moorcock Inn at Garsdale Head which came with new potatoes and a mountain of peas. It was everything I yearned for. That said the Wensleydale Pantry above the Spar shop in Hawes serves an excellent breakfast and I also had the most divine Wensleydale and red onion marmalade toastie which was pure heaven. Head there for brekkies and lunches! The Spar itself was a treasure trove of goodness in it's own right; so thoughtfully stocked as well as an astonishing variety of fresh fruit, vegetables and pastries, deli goodies...
That quickly descended into food talk.
Take care,