
Tuesday 24 April 2018

Super casual

Sunday was warm and sunny. The summer shorts collection has been raided and thankfully all are wearable though a couple only just, but phew. I picked out a classic denim pair which fall into the short-but-not-too-short category then paired them with a simple grey vest top and light cotton shirt. It's sunglasses weather now and they'll be cluttering up handbags, glove boxes and windowsills but guaranteed that somehow when those bright rays strike, there'll be none to hand.

I've had so many comments about how cheerful my big yellow bag is and I completely agree, it's a keeper for sure! It's perfect for outfits without bold colours themselves but time will tell if it looks funny alongside some bold contenders.

I didn't include much of a close up but this shirt has a modern interpretation of dandelion clocks as a print which I rather like. Make a wish!

Hurrah for the sunny weather, I love to feel the sun on my skin (responsibly) and just need a teensy bit of colour to feel a little healthier.
Take care,