
Thursday 24 May 2018

Things to come

I've read somewhere that gardeners show their faith in the future by planting bulbs and seeds which they hope in times to come will grow and flower. It's somewhat pretentious to consider myself a gardener really, though for many years I've attempted to tend our outdoor space but the past few I've really grown into the skin of a flower enthusiast. I try.
The future is not a place I care to cast my sights; in truth I have a vehement dislike for having to consider what's to come but in terms of the garden it all seems part and parcel of growing.

There's a couple of hundred photographs sitting in the May 2018 folder to break down and share with you, at least a couple of flowers posts, a couple of outfits, ooodles from the allotment and garden and of course the odd bits and bobs which don't fit in anywhere at all. Now that the evenings are bountifully light we tend to use up the time outdoors, especially for our weekend barbecues which gobbles up my previous blogging time so I'll have to scratch my head to figure out what I did last year to keep up the flow.

Let's face it, telly is mostly rubbish at the moment anyway and there's only a handful of shows I fancy watching (Gardener's World, of course) so the time spent outside is always good. Now that we have a little shed at the allotment it means we can do more jobs during the week as there are basic tools to hand. My main aim is to keep the weeds at bay but also just to enjoy things as they are, for change comes so rapidly at this time of year.

Do you like looking to the future? Or are you only happy to do so in terms of plants? That sounds like a very specific question. I suppose I could write a near endless composition on the subject but the crux of this post was to say I've not prepared anything else because I've been so busy doing it! And the garden is changing so fast but plants are my almost sole faith in what's to come.

Take care,