
Wednesday 17 April 2019

Garden wandering

You might think that a murky wet Sunday afternoon in April would be best spent indoors rather than speculatively looking round a beautiful garden with camera primed. I chose the great outdoors and I regret nothing*.

*I kind of wish we had stopped for tea and to see if there was cake on offer
A garden open for the rabble of public to look around is an absolute gift. It's a privilege to be permitted to see what is usually tucked out of sight and kept so carefully. This garden was no exception, offering a wonderful natural habitat of wildflowers, trees and meandering paths. I tried to only take a few unintrusive snaps which capture the feel of the place. 

 Yellow archangel in bloom here.
Bold yellow blooms of the forsythia
Primroses still going strong

 Weird and wonderful tree flowerings
Designer daffodils which remind me of honka dahlias.
This large and rather full on lily wasn't shy.

 Dogs mercury in wild patches.

 A gorgeous apricot shade leaf. Looks like an acer.
 Fading blossom looking feint with the daffodils dotted here and there.
 Blossom looking like petticoats

I hope you enjoyed a wander round with me.
Take care,