
Friday 9 August 2019

Breaking free

The weekend is almost upon us again, thank goodness. We get 52 every year and I honestly cannot remember the last time it felt like we did 'nothing'. Back in the very old days we might lounge around in pjs watching tv for half the day and while it was relaxing for a while but it becomes a real bore. Going out is much more fun. Ticking jobs off the allotment and gardening list is satisfying but we still try to break free to just wander for a spell each weekend.

This deer was hidden away by in a hedge, presumably enjoying a snooze when we rudely woke it up with our footsteps and chatter. It sprung into life only a matter of feet away from us, looking dazed. Then proceeded to reconsider whether such a speedy getaway was required at all, licked it's chops then ambled off. 

Yarrow everywhere now.
Common vetch.

Above: redshank
Below, teasel

I know that wild clematis is called 'old man's beard' but I'd never seen it in flower before so to double check I consulted the book where it s referred to as 'traveller's joy'. It scrambled and bloomed from all over the hedges.

Based more on the leaves than flowers I'd say this is nettle-leaved bellflower .

Could be Creeping-Jenny?

Self heal.

Common toadflax.
Pretty clover...
I forgot to name this yellow plant as 'tansy' another new one for me.

How will you spend your weekend?

Take care,