
Wednesday 22 January 2020

Post apocalypse

The countryside in the dead of winter does take on a post-apocalyptic look. There's something haunting about how stark and skeletal the trees and hedgerows look. Fallen boughs and rotting stumps, the way all life seems to have abandoned the place. It's creepy.

Will life ever return? One day it wont...and alarmingly the state of world politics and global environmental policies have drastically brought that date forwards.

The broom looks to have put on greenery despite the cold.

Residual old leaves and seed heads blow in the chilling breeze then thrash around wildly as the gales hit.

Bright skies and sunshine yet black clouds linger on the horizon.

It's taken me a long time to realise that I've no idea what this is - the greenery that develops over winter. I cannot say it flowers in spring or summer, I suppose I assumed it was some kind of honeysuckle.
Take care,