
Wednesday 3 March 2021

An encounter with deer


Wasn’t the weekend glorious? We timed our time out to great effect with regard the weather although to be honest I’m sure it was practically perfect all day. Whilst out enjoying the blissful peace, enchanting views and soaking up the warmth of the sun there were a few interesting wildlife encounters. This one deserves a post of it’s own as it felt particularly special (and I took so many pictures). 

The walk we took followed many generous tracks which skirted fields and passed woodland. The whole landscape is just fascinating so I’m constantly aware that there might be things of interest to see. I spotted a deer, or two at the field’s edge by a tree. Gratified by my choice of lens for the day (my zoom lens) I hastily set about zooming in for a few pictures. As we rounded the bend a little further and passed another couple of walkers, who it seemed were oblivious to the wildlife, it became apparent there were a few more. 

After a brief amount of indecision, they started to head straight out across the field, parallel to our path but at quite a distance, say 100m or there abouts. It transpired a tractor was heading up their track so I’m sure they were fussing about us having cut off their natural strategic exit route. 

One by one they started out into the field. Until there were several. And another, And another, nother, nother, nother then they just kept coming! Having my focus set on snapping away, and having to withdraw the zoom further and further out to accommodate such a long line of deer, I wasn’t in any position to count on my fingers how many deer there were. After two tries C volunteered there were at least 16 but possibly 18. I haven’t seen so many like this in years, or possibly ever. 

After choosing to head straight into the field, they were then unsure of the best course of action. Presumably shelter is the safe option but it looked like quite a way away so a bit of standing to think was called for. At long last someone called it and they all made a run for the trees and bird cover. 

What a fantastic encounter. It was so lucky I was able to take some reasonably close shots of these animals which are often shy. We think they are fallow deer and perhaps are the females who form a herd.


I’m aware how hypocritical it must sound to be rejoicing in the presence of such a lot of deer out on farmland while the farmer is probably having the same bother with them that I face in our garden with the muntjac. I took flattering pictures of both regardless so I suppose that’s an equality of sorts.


Take care,
