
Monday 20 May 2019

Fauna in action

Good morning and welcome to another brand new week. We've started it with drizzle here but the garden is thirsty at the moment so I'm glad the plants are getting a drink and I won't need to water them myself. The weekend has been jam-packed full of activity but we did break out for an hour's wandering and I picked up my camera for the first time in May - true! Though these pictures today are still from April, I have loads left to get through so this instalment is all the birds and beasties from a particular day. I adore the swan shots! Hope you find these enjoyable too.

Above, buzzard.
Below, chaffinch.

Deer making a dash for it.


No, it's not a rabbit with giant whiskers. This poppet was in the process of [presumably] taking more bedding back to it's burrow.
Below, it's a blighted shot but it's the only one I managed of the orange tip butterfly and I've seen so many in flight but they just refuse to land!

Red admiral

Have a brilliant week, won't you?
Take care,