
Friday 17 May 2019

Photographing the countryside this spring

Spring is the time of year when the most dramatic changes happen across to the landscape. From the darkness and starkness of the winter months breaks forth sunshine to warm the earth and the hearts of those folk who can't wait for the chance to get outdoors in the first rays. Over the last few months we've had some truly glorious days already and I make sure I acknowledge how grateful I am for each and every one of these. The energy of the countryside is infectious and spreads; galvanising me into rushing outside to bask in the new sights with my camera. Capturing my surroundings is a long-standing passion of mine and it's forever a joy to look back at pictures to reminisce or to re-live times long forgotten. Whether it's with a phone, SLRs or (Professional) Mirrorless Cameras the images captured are moments in time forever immortalised.

 Irresistible paths through the woods where the bluebells chime

 Early purple orchids

Looking back on the bright times and the fresh blooms is a luxury on the dark days, when the clouds hang low and the brewing storms threaten the peace. Each outing is another chapter, another episode, another opportunity to focus on the wonderful now. Wild flowers have stolen my heart wholesale. Water avens for example is a curious flower that is completely overlooked. It doesn't appear like a flower at all yet through photographing it and reading about it I've shone a little light on a hidden gem.

Above, blue spears of bugle
Below herb robert which is a wild cousin of a geranium I believe. So delicate.
Each one of my countryside posts encapsulates a single visit yet my blog as a whole progresses that little bit closer to covering more. Maybe none of the shots is a stand-out image, one to be blown up and hung on the wall, but as an ensemble they work to give an all round feeling of how it felt to be there in that snapshot in time. Yes, I'd like to up my game by buying a new camera now that mine is showing it's age and has suffered some serious use! The autofocus on mine is unreliable but I've had to use it a bit with the zoom lens. Something for the summer maybe, to plan a camera upgrade. Let's face it, I do get so much use, not to mention joy, from it that it's an investment in myself.

Speckled wood butterflies soaking up the sun
Masses of flowers on the forest floor. Lesser celandine, violets, ground ivy... I love the jumble of colour and leaves all fighting for the light.

Yellow archangel starting to show itself
Violets everywhere this spring.
It's privilege to be an observer of the tiny details. I collect moments snap by snap.

This post contains a sponsored link but all content is my own.
Do you like to go out into the countryside with your camera too?

Take care,