Fall, they call it; the season the leaves do just that... fall.
Down from the trees, deciduous branches surrender their precious cargo to the floor once again. A carpet of yellows, reds and browns, crisp at first, then softening as time goes by.
Crab apples looks so inherently ugly. Odd shapes and sizes, mottled, scabby skin. Al the kind I'd try to avoid picking. Foraging them next year could be a challenge.There are still a few flowers still popping up.
Leaves are showing so many shades, such a spectrum.
Above, horse chestnut! Always swift to turn. I ought to have collected conkers but I've been to slow off the mark. They say that conkers keep spider out of the house. Personally I've never tried it.
Can you see this little grub? Or caterpillar? Or minibeastie? It was my eyes who spied him making a rather laboured ascent up a silky line. Of course, it was nigh-on impossible to get a good shot while the adventurous chappie swung around in the breeze, shimmying up with all his might.
Are you falling for a bit of fall?