Apparently it's been three weeks since I gave an allotment update, yet it only feels like yesterday. As things change so quickly I wanted this year to better document the progress on the plot. You can read about the late May update here. So what's new? We've harvested buckets of strawberries and they're still going strong.
Brassicas are filling up the patch, fighting to get out of the net now.
Onions newly planted are establishing.
Thise beans are climbing high, flowering too.
Tomatoes are bearing fruit, soon to be ripening, one or two are on the turn.
The winter onions are large and need to be pulled up to dry soon. In the raised bed the parsnips have grown so much the radishes in the centre don't stand a chance.
We've harvested loads of spinach.
The first few beetroot have been taken too, and delicious it has tasted!
Even the new rhubarb has been harvested. (yes, that is a kitchen sink. I really want to be able to wash veg at the allotment instead of bringing it home filthy. As yet, not quite in action. Those two buckets have charlotte potaotes in, for new potatoes later in summer.
The courgettes and squashes in the compost bays are huge. You can see the difference in size between them and the ones planted in the ground. I've had 2 courgettes already and there look to be another 4 becoming ready for later in the week.
I have to keep re-directing them back into the bays so they don't escape off.
We've taken about half the 'swift' first earlies. They are low yielding, and the taste is unremarkable. They are so hard to judge cooking and I personally wouldn't grow this variety again. The Setanta and Maris Piper are looking ok, some are flowering.
The 'climbing' frame for sweet dumpling squash, some nasturtiums and a courgette and red kuri. They are reluctant to climb.
Beans on the other hand are heading up. C thinks some runners will be ready soon (I couldn't care less, yuck.)
Sweet peas. The ones up the shed trellis haven't happened this year. I struggle to keep them alive.
Almost invisible gherkins along the fence.
Only one strawberry variety any good, the other will have to just be ripped up and got rid of as they are not performing well. Gnarly strawberries.
Asparagus is left to grow now so it will be energised for next spring.
Peas bushing up well in their tunnel. Our heritage sweetcorn are still tiny. Come on guys!!
Take care,