What started out as a horribly weedy, overgrown shambles of a plot last summer was transformed over a few months. Bulbs and perennials planted last autumn, seeds sown in spring and plants popped in by early summer. The half plot has been the gift that keeps on giving with blooms here and there if not everywhere.
I've learned a lot about things that work, don't work, the work I need to do and has given me ideas for next year's season.
I've taken too many pictures of the flowers over the months but here's some that you might like.
The Ammi Majus and cornflower bed was divine in flower.More delphiniums next year!
The vanilla ice sunflowers and verbena bonariensis looked lovely together (though thalictrum delavayi dwindled below) until the wind battered them down and they never really recovered.
The larkspur showing was poor. Sowed the seed direct, will grow in greenhouse next year.
Poppies were gorgeous in flower but soon finished and I've been looking at bare stems ever since, I'll supplement the bed next year for summer interest.
There have been loads of face-sized dahlias since this first one. Just amazing!My favourites have been Belle of Barmera, Penhill Dark Monarch, Islander and Cafe Au Lait.
Above, Sam Hopkins
The zinnias have been understated and sparse! I'll grow from seed in the greenhouse next spring, these were planted direct and took too long to establish.
Drumstick scabious 'sterkugel'. Such fascinating seed heads.
The statice (front) and cosmos (behind) flowering has been strong lately.
You can't have too many rudbeckia. I'll have more next year.
What a wonderful I've had tending the plot this year, a real joy.
Take care,