It was a fairly cool day last week when we went out for a healthy dose of fresh air and I was not looking forward to taking off my coat and scarf for a few pictures but the reality was that I actually felt warmer once the sun was shining directly on my bare skin. Much as we are warned of the dangers of the sun, I'm sure I must photosynthesise or something. It gives me nourishment of a spiritual kind.
The ground was pretty much dry back then, it had been a good while since the previous wet spell and so I was able to wear my long boots for a change which I think look much nicer with this ditsy floral tutu. All through winter I was determined to wear this skirt and yet after a bit of a head scratch I can't recall wearing it through the coldest season at all, better late than never I guess.
With a coat I got away with ¾ length sleeves on my green jumper – which is such a gloriously rich shade of green. It almost makes up for the fact that it crumples without being ironable, almost.
Did you notice the unicorn necklace I am wearing? I am in LOVE with it! It's part of the Eclectic Collection from Iced Rainbow jewellery. It's silver on one side and black on t'other which makes for two choices. Black stood out more with this bright coral top.
I hope the sun shines for you this week,
First off, running has suddenly become something I'm looking forward to as opposed to being a real drag. We have been out for three outdoor runs now and to be honest they were brilliant. The very first was on a Saturday evening a couple of weeks ago; the evening was looming and while the great, wide sky was pale blue to start with, it morphed through oranges and pinks in front of my very eyes while I breathed in the fresh air and stretched my legs with the luxury of grass underfoot.
It frankly, was magical. The warmth from the sun earlier in that day was amazing, it kept my skin feeling nourished and my spirit feeling alive. The run itself went well, I ran the best time this season by a country mile and I felt grrrrrreat!
I've been a lucky girl lately and have got my sticky paws on some new sportswear, hurrah! I always feel more motivated and inspired when I wear new kit, it somehow makes that difference and puts more of a spring in my step. My collection is mostly black with a dose of pink (and I don't even really like pink all that much) so I'm over the moon to wear this green muscle tee over my blue American Apparel sports bra top which is such a cheerful colour combination! I also like a cosy cover up to wear in spring to keep me toasty 'til I warm up so I went for a neutral heather grey shade in this American Apparel fleece cropped sweater which is perfect.
If you want to get some great value sportswear to pep you up this spring then Buytshirtsonline have a good choice at great prices too. A big thanks for being sent these items, all opinions my own.
I have so much more to tell you but I've run out of time so it will have to wait for another post.
Take care,
Now this is a sight for sore eyes, a much longed for weekend treat. Sitting down on the sofa with a steaming mug of coffee, a scented candle burning and my latest assortment of books. The prospect of curling up under a blanket and having a good read is sheer bliss. Chris consults the Allotment Month by Month book as his bible for all things allotment based, it's a really good resource. The two others are recommendations I have procured for myself and intend to work my way through in the fullness of time.
This fabulous mug features artwork from local Norfolk artist Amelia Bowman who I have recently discovered and fallen in love with her style! Amelia creates collagraphs (which take their name from 'collages') which are beautiful designs created on a rigid surface and rolled through a print press, of course it is far more technical than that but you get the idea.
What I adore about Amelia's designs is that she has captured scenes from Norfolk which are familiar as well as further afield which she then produces in limited editions in her different patterns. If you notice the titles have the prevailing pattern in brackets. I'm pleased to share with you a small selection of pieces with you
Beach Huts (Ixia)
Cley Windmill (Clover)
London Skyline (Floribunda)
Wells Harbour (Anemone)
Low Tide
I spent ages admiring the amazing range of patterns, oh my gosh, they are so pretty! I can't help thinking they would make for fabulous wallpaper or curtains, what do you think? My favourites are 50's Hydrangea, Daisy Daisy, Bobble Tree, Morris leaves and Folk Flower but they are all unique, what is your favourite? I'd love to know.
Amelia Bowman has an etsy shop selling a selection of prints, posters, mugs and tote bags and a range of stockists but for any enquiries you can contact Amelia direct.
I don't know about you but I'm looking to add to my collection!
Thank you to Amelia Bowman for sending me the mug (and a tote bag, not pictured). All opinions my own.
Drink in the sunset, let it sink through your skin, absorb it's warmth. Let it run through your veins and fill you up with it's radiance and filter through to every pore.
I thought about using some words about a daffodil from someone else but it didn't feel right. So here are few of my own.
They herald the start of spring, those yellow faces of joy,
The delicate petals of jaundiced skin, the cheery colour to enjoy.
In neat clusters they gather on banks quite out of the blue ,
To brighten the landscape with their pale golden hue.
Daffodils hold a special space in my heart.
Finding the perfect sheepskin jacket has to be one of my charity shopping highlights of all time, it is roomy without being daft, faux enough to be washed and something I can throw on when it gets chilly. Imagine my delight at finding such a piece and holding it aloft in triumph only to be asked by my ever grounded husband if I was off to the dog races... keeping it real.
One outfit straight out of the seventies which pleased me no end to wear. Sheepskin jacket, cowboy shirt, flared jeans, high platforms. I have to wear this again, over and over.
I wish the shadows weren't so dark in these shots and I wish someone had told me that before I'd climbed a steep bank in six inch heels, precariously balanced myself on a huge tree root and tried not to squint a while before taking a long time getting down again. Oh well!
Woodland to me is a magical environment. As a child I would read about enchanted forests with mysterious characters living within, the faraway tree and the adventures that took place there. Now I'm all grown up maybe I ought to be past all that but I still see everything through young eyes, the sunlight dapples all around which to me is every kind of magic.
Almost three weeks ago now, the snowdrops were in full bloom whilst the bluebells and daffodils were priming themselves for full spring at Thursford Wood. This patch of ancient woodland was fascinating; full of old oak trees and thick undergrowth. We had the lace to ourselves until we came to leave, there was just the sound of the occasional car on the main road (sadly rather close by) and the birds.
I hope you enjoyed this taste of the woodland.