Even though I have more
clothes to choose from than a trendy new boutique I often just reach
for an old favourite instead of braving something I'm unsure of.
(This is why C despairs of me and questions why I can't just wear
jeans, tees and jumpers like him). I know that many of my items don't
get worn all that much, but I'm endeavouring to do better. These
super skinny jeans are the old school style of jeans with almost no
'give' to the fabric which makes them a real struggle to get on when
they're freshly laundered. Jeans seem to be an ever-depleting
resource in my wardrobe; pairs that fit well are so hard to come by
and it's often the case that pairs have to be retired before a
replacement has been secured. Although I have bought a couple of
pairs of seventies style jeans which I'm feeling somewhat pleased
about and ought to get on and wear before the days get too warm (I
My honey bee necklace
from Nova Silver has been
hibernating in my jewellery box for far too long and it's such a
sweet piece to wear in spring and summer. Floral crowns were my
favourite accessory last summer and I'm dusting them off for another
year and looking to add to my collection. This one was from Peacocks
last year I think and I've worn it three days last weekend (I can't
get enough of it).
Is that a backpack you
spy? Yes it is and I'll be sharing more about that very soon.
Take care,