Fungi on the forest floor
Monday, October 17, 2016
Ah, one of the most enjoyable parts of the season for me includes hunting down all the fungi I can find. I'm a passive sleuth; I'll oogle a while before priming my camera and lining things up for a photograph. Once my satifaction has been met (or exasperation level reached) I move on and leave everything intact. Don't worry little 'shrooms, you're safe with me, I mean you no harm.
Half of these images are from a week ago but the other half are from mid September in the darkest thicket of woodland where the trees grew so close together that no sunlight pierced through the canopy so the forest floor was mostly a tapestry of roots and dropped needles with the odd fungus braving things solo.
Little puffballs made me very conscious of where I placed my feet! They looked like perfect little dough balls - rolled into perfect round rolls just ready for the oven.
Above; a curious sponge-y sort of wispy fluff of a fungus.
Now that's a beaut.
No luck finding the super magic red fairytale mushroom but there's always another day.