Woodland butterflies

Monday, September 02, 2019

Knapweed was the main food source for the butterflies in the forest back in mid September.
Painted ladies to be seen.

A small copper.
And an awful lot of moth-eaten butterflies. C informs me their damage is likely caused by birds! The horrors of being a butterfly!!!
So much damage that I'm left to guess at what they are. I wondered comma, though I usually judge them based on shape of wings - no help here. Probably some kind of fritillary?

It doesn't look exactly like a large white or green-veined white so??
Who is it? Speckled Wood!


I suppose it's a gatekeeper but looks browner where I would expect orange on it's hindwing.

And this one is new to me... some kind of fritillary? Possibly a dark green fritillary.
Have you seen any new butterflies this year?

Take care,

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