Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Yesterday I had a dedicated spring clean at home in preparation for the Easter weekend. Sweeping aside everything else which demanded my attention I made an effort to get plenty done. There's something about getting the house tidy and feeling fresh for a long weekend which seems right. Alas, I only ever end up achieving about a third of my to-do list but considering it has enough on it for an entire week I suppose I shall have to be satisfied.
By 9pm I was sapped of all strength so no blogging took place but by good fortune I had already drafted a post of recent photos to share so there is a post today after all, hurrah! I do like to post regularly Monday to Friday but of course it's not always possible.
The flowers are appearing everywhere now and the birds are super busy.
We've had the first precipitation in weeks this morning but it's so fine that the ground is barely wetting at all. For the sake of the plant we do need some gentle showers soon (over night ideally!)