Spring doings
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Bringing spring into the house has banished the winter blues. It started with a couple of anemones, then narcissi, on to cherry blossom and now there's some full size daffodils from a dark corner of the garden. I did leave plenty for the wildlife too.
Finding whatever possible to liven up the mantlepiece. If the deer hasn't eaten the grape hyacinths they should be coming in the next few weeks.
The growing season has kicked off chez Sticks; the propagator has been working for weeks now to start off our delicate and fussy seeds like chillis, tomatoes, celeriac, aubergine, celeriac and sweet peppers.
The front door pots would have been bubbling over with viola flowers by now had the deer not destroyed the lot. Instead, a meagre but reassuring spread of tulip foliage is slowly rising. After using compost I knew to be too wet, but only because I had nothing else to use, I got the fear that the rather picky tulip bulbs would have rotted. After the violas were eaten, I would have been particularly gloomy to have ruined my tulips too. In autumn I'm always excited to pick out the tulips for the pots outside yet by this time of year I've long since forgotten what to expect. Tulips are expensive considering you are only guaranteed one year of flowers (some only last a week) then if you plant them out for next year you might just get foliage.
C has been on frogspawn watch and when he told me there was (finally) a definite lump of it in the pond I was elated! Excellent news. I'm hoping for more though. Good news too about the nests; a relatively sure sighting of blue tits attending the most popular nest box. This one is on a tree that doesn't sway, faces a good direction and has a clear flight path in to the box. It's been used each year. Hyacinths in the garden are starting to flower. I ensure I plant out all bulbs I buy for inside flowering and the following spring they flower. They're cheap too. So much better value than tulips if you are looking for spring colour year after year.
I ordered bulbs, tubers, plants and seeds over winter. With anything in a plastic bag I get worried it will suffer if left there for long. I potted up dahlia tubers last weekend. They really are ugly. Some in massive sausagey bunches. Others, like testicles. Finding whatever possible to liven up the mantlepiece. If the deer hasn't eaten the grape hyacinths they should be coming in the next few weeks.
The growing season has kicked off chez Sticks; the propagator has been working for weeks now to start off our delicate and fussy seeds like chillis, tomatoes, celeriac, aubergine, celeriac and sweet peppers.
Spring brings with it so much possibility.
Take care,