Where foxgloves grow

Monday, June 24, 2019

In the woods the foxgloves are now at their best, what a beautiful sight to behold.

Trefoil scrambling here and there.

Is it mouse ear or chickweed?
Buttercups, plantain and it is hawkbit?
One huge leaf has been deposited here for some reason unknown to me.
Aha! An orchid! I'll look it up... Possibly military orchid?
The yarrow just starting to bloom. I grew this on the little flower patch last year in a variety of colours but didn't much like it, the messy growth felt too weedy for me and I'll stay content seeing it gor wild instead.

Green alkanet. I'm surprised there's not more. It's a pain to stop it taking over one patch of the garden.
Unexpected fungus.

Comfrey above. Bees go crazy for it.
Below, it's dames violet which I struggle to differentiate from cuckooflower because the petals and colour are so similar despite the size gap.
Great bulks of dames violet whereas earlier cuckoo flower is around a foot tall.

Grasses with dainty, airy seed heads.
Cleavers reaching for the sky.
Is it the yellow waterlily? It's the first entry in my wildflower book for the yellow-brown section. Not seen it here (or anywhere) before.
Honeysuckle in flower with it's gangly petals. Too spidery for comfort.

Take care,

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