Christmas knit
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
A knitted skirt found me on the most recent outing I took with Hazel and Kezzie to peruse the charity shops of Ipswich. Winter skirts are a staple of mine and so on that particular trip I found three which I really liked, each labelled a different size. In a very typical illustration of being a woman in 2019 I found the smallest size was the largest (and too big), the largest size was this snug skirt which I would huffily say should have been too big but there we go. And the middle size was in the middle.
I have a big knitted blue jumper with white snowflakes which would make a practically perfect knitted suit although I have to say it would have to be incredibly cold to be able to wear them together!
Big grey scarf with pearly embellishments has been my go-to warm neckwear of choice so far this December and fingerless gloves for everything outdoors except gardening.