Arty farty
Wednesday, July 22, 2020Something completely different today! Kezzie suggested we share what art we have and see her post here for more participants. I immediately thought, oh dear, I've not got much at all and people will feel that I'm terribly uncultured (probably true) but nevertheless I went hunting round the house, albeit a few days later than planned, to see what I had. It turns out I have loads! How funny that you just don't notice what surrounds you? The first is my favourite. We bought this from a lady who sold her paintings at a car boot near Norwich. It's a medium size piece with such beautiful colours. I felt terrible handing over a mere £12 for it (and I suspect she would have taken less if I'd haggled). It's in the living room and hangs pride of place. I love it so much!
These two mythical creatures are curious. They have hung either side of my bed since I was a little girl. They are cork and with some kind of silver paint. I presume they are worthless, as with all our art - in terms of re-sale value, but most have a high sentimental value.
Above and below, they are my paintings. Yes, the horror. The above is a dahlia and as far as self critique goes, I'm pretty chuffed with it, bordering on proud. Below, it's the hawthorn tree in our garden in blossom. It was started 2 years ago and finally finished this spring. It's underwhelming but I'll pop it up at some point.
On to the pieces that were bought for us. The above, C bought for me and I think it's amazing. It's an original and is full of joy!
Below, C's Dad bought this for us of a local scene by a local artist and again, it's a real memory in that picture.
Hazel bought me this (above) piece for a Christmas gift one year. Fantastic local scenery and the colours give it the real feeling of those wintry days.
Below. My grandparents bought this for me when I was around 10 as I 'loved horses'. Yes, I do, but this is a picture of a pervy looking man out on the hunt, which is not exactly what I would have imagined to be a piece suitable. The frame however, is amazing. It's made of rubbish but at a distance it looks brilliant! I keep this more out of guilt than because I like it. I assume it's original.
C has a few Ronald Wong prints. I hate them. This one is still up and there are more tucked away somewhere. I'd merrily sell these and never see them again. GIVE ME MORE SCENERY AND LESS PLANES.
Above and below, these both hung at my grandparents' house, for years. Nothing ever changed there, it was like a museum more than a home. Very weird. Anyway, it turns out that my grandfather liked these because years later after he died, my grandmother mentioned how she never liked these two. (and yet they never moved!) When she died my parents said they never liked them either. However, I love them! So I happily took them home to be admired. In the spare room. A bit wonky.
I bought the above print for C, it's an enchanting one.
There was a local Christmas market packed with stall and no people buying, it was awful. Those poor craftspeople who gave up their afternoon and not making a penny. We bought the above and below pictures made of melted wax. They are beautiful!I think that's the lot. Hope you enjoyed my tour of art!
Take care,