Fresh out of the box | Degustabox December 2014
Sunday, January 11, 2015You know what's cool about receiving a monthly food box each month? The three surprises. Firstly the surprise of when it arrives (I totally forget it's coming), then the surprise of what's inside and finally the surprise of how enjoyable the items are. In terms of value, Degustabox represents a good buy, you get a good mix of items delivered to you for £12.99 or makes for a fun gift for others too.
What came in December's box I hear you ask... well I shall tell you now.
Kent's Kitchen meal kit – We got Madras which we have popped in the cupboard for future use. I really like the idea of these meal kits, perfect for cooking up a storm without the need for much planning.
Eisberg non alcoholic wine – No. The premise of this is a genuinely sweet idea for those people who enjoy wine but are not drinking alcohol but to me on a personal level this is baffling; if I'm drinking wine then I definitely want the effects that the alcohol provides! Blimey.
Pukka Herbs green tea – I drink green tea and have done for a few years now and on thing every brand has in common is that it tastes like ditch water. Pukka make brilliant teas but this green tea is wasted on me and I would have far preferred something else from this brand.
Bahlsen Choco Leibniz – The milk ones were nice but the caramel were deeeelicious but my only qualm was that there were only a few in each pack which meant that the enjoyment was short-lived.
Gloworm premium mixers – Well I missed the memo about these being mixers and drank two already they were really nice! I don't think they need alcohol at all, they taste good all by themselves.
Bonne Maman course orange marmalade – I've not eaten it yet but it's something I'm glad we've got in the cupboard. It's a great brand for preserves and I've eaten loads of their strawberry jam over the years, it's great stuff.
Fry light infuse – We got the garlic flavour oil which seems like a neat idea. As we don't actually use much oil at the moment it's not been started yet. I'll let you know how it goes.
The Chia company Oats + Chia – If this was supposed to be one portion then I'm appalled. It was about half what I would normally eat in porridge of a morning and although it tasted nice, it was far from filing.
Popchips – The sour cream and onion variety were fabulous and I was pleased that we received a flavour that we both love. YUM!
So there you have it. Degustabox get a thumbs up from me and if you want to nab yourself a £3 discount then use my code 86FRR when registering.