Don’t forget protein | Monkey Nutrition
Wednesday, April 29, 2015Finding that balance of a good, healthy diet and a sensible exercise regime is difficult. I know that over processed grains and sugars are no good in quantity and that lean meats and plenty of greens are good for you, but it's the finer balance of things that I struggle with.
Food is fuel.
It pains me when I hear people almost boasting about how little they've eaten. Seriously, you need to eat sensibly to fuel your body to be able to do what you're setting out to. You need a certain amount of fat and salt in your diet, it's vital to keep you healthy.
I'm in limbo at the moment between doing the bare minimum exercise (two one-hour boot camp workouts a week) and as much I can fit in (up to three runs as well, averaging 5k each). In order to make the most of my hard work I've taken to drinking a protein shake straight after exercise in order to stop me feeling hungry as well as to top up my protein intake. Muscles need protein to repair and maintain themselves, especially after exercise so it's really important to ensure that your diet includes plenty of protein to ensure you reap the rewards of your workouts. Monkey nutrition have this Whey Protein Isolate called Primal 26 which I've been enjoying in wild strawberry flavour. You can make it up with either water, milk or a milk substitute like almond milk, I prefer using semi skimmed milk and using a little less liquid than recommended so it's nice and thick. Protein shakes are notorious for tasting odd but I rather like this flavour, it's pleasant to drink. Having not heard of Monkey before I've had a snoop around their website and I'm impressed; I like their ethos and product range, which puts emphasis on getting lean and building muscle tone the healthy way.
The other important factor I've not yet mentioned about a healthy lifestyle is sleep and getting plenty of it. I'm working on it.
Thank you to Monkey Nutrition for sending me this product to review. All content and opinions my own