My favourite countryside photographs of 2015 part 2
Monday, January 04, 2016
It's the second and final instalment of my favourite countryside photographs taken in 2015. The sad thing is that I never even filtered through some of the pictures I took so there may well be some that I'd be really pleased with lurking undiscovered in storage. My mission for this year really must be to make the most of all the pictures I take and save the ones I like to use for odd posts ready for when I need an image. If you missed the first part then feel free to take a look but I'll leave you starting with July and working their way through to December. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
A solitary photograph from December as I've not yet knuckled down to look through them, but I'll see what I can do over the next couple of weeks. Here's to a fabulous and fascinating 2016 through the viewfinder.