2016 and me
Friday, January 01, 2016I don't want a new me in 2016, I want the old me back. The Sophie who enjoyed running, made goals, worked out several times a week and ate a balanced diet. I'd rather like to be able to wear everything in my wardrobe without having to avoid the ones with a tight waistband and I've had quite enough of deciding whether to sit my jeans above or below the rapidly inflating spare tyre.
2015 has been a mixed bag of a year but I've learnt a few lessons, broadened a few horizons and believe it or not I picked up a few ideas I'd like to further. What I'd really like from the new year is to enrich life, simplify life and to fill it with more love and positivity. My thinking is that by working on myself, it will filter out to all aspects of my life and others may benefit too.
So here goes
I want to allow at least 20 minutes a week to sit down with a book. Uninterrupted reading. To those of you who regularly read it wont sound like long at all but if I start off small, I can add to it. For Christmas I asked for a few titles which came recommended and my idea is to only read books which have either been shortlisted for literary awards or which get good reviews.Eat clean
More protein, less processed junk. I already eat plenty of fruit and vegetables so it's just a case of tinkering with our main meals which ought to include a meal plan.
Less waste
This extends to most aspects of life I suppose; food, time, not buying things we don't need. Greater consideration to be put into choices.
My aim to give the spare room a vigorous clear out will involve getting rid of a fair amount. I want as much as possible to go to charity, recycle what we can.
Thinking time
Some people meditate, others do yoga. I am prone to falling asleep shortly after sitting still and quiet. I really want to find my way of relaxing and thinking (or not thinking) but without distraction.
Self care
It's not selfish to look after yourself. I must try to understand this better. Using my Body Shop hemp butter for very dry hands every night before bed is my goal and a good starting point.
Put care in and take joy out
It sounds logical. Even the most menial task can be rewarding if you put care into it. I want to feel pleased with myself more often. Why not? I think this is the most important.
Support local and independent businesses
Pretty self explanatory.
Allotment goodness
Putting in the time in during spring will reap rewards for the rest of the year. I really want to sow lots of seeds for flowers so that we have plenty of colour, attract the bees and hopefully we can bring some home and keep in vases.
I don't set goals for right here. My only real objective is to enjoy blogging as much as ever and to do exactly as I please. I'd love you to want to return here to see what's going on. Which reminds me, my blog is 5 years old today, hurrah!
More love being put into life. Enjoying being outdoors and how lucky we are. More appreciation and gratitude all round. Join me.