The winter snow
Wednesday, February 17, 2021The snow fell and lasted a week. Our cold frosty winter turned into a snow clad one; only snowing minimal change over the days until suddenly, just like that, the rains came and washed it all away. It was a bit of a magical time; albeit with the added risk of falling over or 'having a fall'. The roads were treated but many lanes became impassable altogether save for tractors or a particularly adventurous 4x4. Fewer than normal people took to the paths which felt like a reprieve from lockdown crowds. We froze, we chilled, we numbed but we went out and enjoyed the moments that mattered. Coming home for coffees and central heating. Pictures from Sunday morning, the rains started as night fell that evening. Daytime temperatures of zero, icy winds.
Waterways still featuring ice. Heavy snow in drifts following strong winds overnight.
Against the monochrome of the trees and snow featured the beautiful red stems, I expect it's dogwood.
A red kite circled overhead briefly. I wasn't focussed in properly but you can tell it's a kite. These birds have increased in numbers around our patch, we often see them now.
I had difficulty with this ID; is it a sparrow?
Seeds scattered on the snow after the high winds. We noticed that there were no berries to be seen whatsoever on any trees or hedges, the birds have picked them clean. They must just be getting through on seeds and whatever else they can find now.
The snow was blown across the field overnight and filled the path with deep, crispy snow. C was in over the ankles. It made for an interesting workout to reach the sheltered patch.
We didn't have to suffer days of grey slush, just straight from a lovely white carpet to nothing. It's due to be up to 16 degrees at the weekend, I kid you not. Could this be the turning point into spring?
Take care,