A resolution update
Sunday, October 27, 2013
I made so many resolutions for this year and it has been ages since I gave an update on my progress, so here is how I've been getting on:
- Six pack. – Not made any progress on this really. To be honest running has become my main focus which has contributed to burning off a bit more fat but I’ve not been making the concentrated effort I had imagined. However, I still have two months of the year left, so keep your eyes peeled. I started Carly Rowena's 30 day abs and core challenge on Thursday 17th, so there is hope yet.
- Cook from scratch more. I think I've done ok about this! Plenty of home cooking has been taking place and I'd like to think I've made a pretty good effort.
- Go green. Nah, not really.
- Love myself (take care of myself better) Nope.
- Actually see more real people YES! I did this. Sort of. A bloggers holiday, several meeting up with internet pals, plus I arranged a get together of my college buddies. Baby steps!
- NO MORE DRINK Much to my own and everyone else's surprise I have done really well on this. Not a drop of alcohol has crossed my lips.
- Make my blog into something people want to read and engage with. The big revamp at the end of August was a bit of a turning point but I'd like to think that content has been a little better than previous years.
- Get into Youtubing. FAIL!
- Providing a good home to a four legged friend. What a mixed bag this has been. After a rocky start we (touch wood) seem to be getting there. Time has flown by with Lincoln, he arrived in the middle of March and I guess that makes it 7 months now he's been part of our family .
- Ease off the technology Heck no, I'm worse.
I find that I'm only really able to make any progress with anything if I've resolved to do it. I've been in two minds about whether to make any for 2014 and if so, if I should abstain from alcohol for another year or not. Do you have any advice for me?
How do you set (and work towards achieving) goals for yourself?