The tweed coat
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Coat – La Redoute via eBay, old bag and green tights – T K Maxx, boots – Yull, scarf – ebay
I do love this tweed coat, even if it does happen to be far too big. Plenty of room in a coat is a must for me as I have a habit of bulking out with layers in the winter. As I mentioned before, I don't have many winter coats as I'm pretty fussy about colours, fit and buttons so I don't often find one that I want to fork out for so at least it means I get a decent amount of wear out of the few I own. This one is slightly too-too big if I'm being objective but is my current favourite even if the pockets are at the wrong angle to bury my hands in. The most endearing feature is that it largely keeps the wind out which is vital for a cold blooded person like me. Tweed goes with everything at all times, it's a classic. So while I'm enjoying the trends of the moment I know I can always pop on this coat and it will look right.