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Tuesday, October 07, 2014

nineties rock chick
Biker boots, I love thee. After a couple of years of adoring everyone else's biker boots and yet never really considering making a purchase for myself I came across the perfect pair in TK Maxx (the place which holds both gems and junk – you never know what you may find but it's always worth a look).
nineties rock chick
This pair are 'Bronx' and are black leather with a quilted ankle and silver buckles, they are flat and wonderfully comfortable. I dithered after oiking them off the shelf and squirrelling them away in a pull along basket (genius invention), which has got to be done when they are the only pair – you don't want to risk someone else running off with them. I tried them on and paraded up and down the 5 – 5.5 aisle, beaming that they stayed on instead of getting left behind as so many pairs do unless firmly tied on. Then I ummed and ahhed a little more and consulted.
nineties rock chick
Buying footwear is always a big deal for me; investing in more expensive items is still something I'm not all that comfortable with. Sometimes you spend more and yet they never get worn, other times they never leave my feet and I pat myself on the back for making such a wise purchase. At £50 these are what I'd classify as medium risk, way more than I'd fork out for something I wasn't dead keen on but in this case I was smitten plus being flat boots they tick the practical box in grand style.
nineties rock chick
A jersey t-shirt style skater dress? Yes, in red no less. Never owned one before, it's not something I've really been drawn to until now. This autumn I'm all over more of a rock chick look, darker, rich colours, more leather and boots, all the boots.
nineties rock chick
Remember the days I never accessorised? Long gone. I found the beaded chocker in a bowl at a charity shop till for about 50p which has pleased me no end, these were the coolest thing to wear when I was about 10. Ahhh, the good old days of the mid nineties! It's also the first outing for my Iced Rainbow feather necklace* which is a really cute and being white it's going to go with so many things I want to wear.
nineties rock chick
Do you remember the nineties fondly?

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Sometimes I am sent items to feature as part of a post and these will be clearly mentioned as part of each post.Everything else is bought by myself. Any sponsored or collaboration posts will be clearly marked. Each post is my own content and all opinions are honest.