Friday, October 03, 2014Lincoln has been nagging to make an appearance here for ages now, he loves being the centre of attention. These pictures were taken on a cool morning in August, I must have been chilly if I was wearing my jacket on that day. You can see that Lincoln is wearing his muzzle (which is a Baskerville muzzle – it's humane and comfortable. Dogs can eat, drink and pant while it's on). It was really sad that people thought it was because he was vicious when in fact the little lad only had to wear it to avoid any shoe grabbing incidents which despite going to training and working on better behaviour had not evaporated entirely.
In the last six weeks or so we've since stopped walking him muzzled and instead, carry a sports drink bottle of water and the muzzle, just in case. Very occasionally he does still pounce on a shoe of mine (it's always mine!) but a quick spray of water and he stops immediately – he really hates water.
We've stopped going along to dog training classes but have kept up his repertoire. He loves it.
The red check trousers make me feel really tall, which is no mean feat especially while wearing flats, I have to make sure they get worn more this Autumn along with my new boots and leather jacket. Rock on.
That's right, red trousers and a coral top, got to love a little clash!
Lincoln has been part of our lives for a a year and a half now, he's such a possum. As I write this he is gently snoring on the sofa by my feet where he will stay for the evening, sound asleep. The thing about staffies that I just don't think many people 'get' is that they are the softest dogs, they really are. Bring them up right, give them enough exercise, socialise them, plenty of really tough toys, a low protein diet and bob's your uncle. I honestly can't imagine how any dog could be better company than Lincoln, he's a sweetie.
An enthusiastic greeting when I get home, kisses (I try to avoid these), cuddles, easy walkies, far better obedience than I've experienced before and he rarely barks at all. One happy little lad who adores human company and makes our family complete.
Sophie & Lincoln x