Just a girl in the countryside

Friday, November 21, 2014

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I am who I am.

Lately, I've been thinking more about my time of sharing on here, almost four years of it now which seems like a long time in the scheme of things. So much has changed since day 1 of course; I have a much clearer idea of what interests me enough to share here, what I want from my photography and my personal style is ever changing.

For the first couple of years there were loads of you leaving comments; 10-20 was quite usual every day and I would drop by your blogs too and comment. It was fun and I read so much. Over the last couple of years commenting seems to have become rarer and rarer, even when I used to visit loads of new blogs I would never get any responses. The past year I've continued to read my favourite blogs and keep up with them the best I can, though I really ought to let people know my thoughts more often. I know that any comments I get here are pretty precious and it's lovely to hear that people have read my posts or enjoyed them.

I've also sponsored a few blogs in the past which was not all that successful. If you found me through one of my sponsorships then hello and thank you but there was little point in going through each rigmarole. Going forwards I've decided to just focus on doing what is of most interest; blogging itself. It seems to be a fulfilling affair to pick the best photographs and lay down my words. The best reward is that any of you drop by here because you want to, because you enjoy it. If that only means a couple of you actually visit then so be it but I'm only doing what makes me happy.

I'm just a girl in the countryside.


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