A few thoughts
Wednesday, November 05, 2014It's funny how inspiration can strike; sometimes it's when I'm looking through photographs, maybe scrolling through Twitter or having a quiet moment with a cup of coffee. Most of the time a thought occurs to me that I'd like to elaborate on while I'm busy and can't do a darned thing about it except hope I can remember my train of thought for much, much later. Most weeknights I don't reach the laptop until around 10pm by which time I'm tired and no good for anything else except either blogging or falling asleep on the sofa (sometimes both). It's becoming a habit that long after I should be asleep I suddenly hit my stride and become super productive with loads of ideas and can't leave until I have got everything done that I want to.
This time of year for me is that tipping point between the end of the good weather for being outside and the Christmas festivities. Maybe I'm just in a bit of a funk but I'm just not interested in the C word and as it stands if it was left to me then no presents would be bought for a few weeks yet, I'm in the wrong frame of mind. Let's hope it lifts soon.
There are so many bloggers that seem to thrive at this time of year, while I almost feel like I'm floundering with no enthusiasm for the heinous cold weather that is creeping in. If I turn into Mrs Sarcastic Miseryguts in the Sticks just nod and smile.... it should pass in time.