A walk in the woods | Foxley Woods

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Foxley Wood in winter sunshineFoxley Wood in winter sunshinFoxley Wood in winter sunshinFoxley Wood in winter sunshinFoxley Wood in winter sunshinefox4Foxley Wood in winter sunshineFoxley Wood in winter sunshineFoxley Wood in winter sunshinFoxley Wood in winter sunshineFoxley Wood in winter sunshin

At the weekend we took a drive out to the woods to stretch our legs. While I thought it may be a little sticky underfoot I hadn't banked on it being waterlogged in parts. We had the place virtually to ourselves; there was no-one around and even the birds seemed few and far between. It was almost silent.

The sunshine was just beautiful, sweeping in through the canopy and lingering on leaves. While there were still swathes of leaves to rustle through, the signs of spring were there to see; nature is preparing for the change of seasons while all is quiet.


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