An autumn embrace
Friday, November 22, 2019
How can we have reached the last weekend in November so soon? The time is fast slipping away for the decade and it's alarming! Rest assured we each have our advent calendars at the ready: galaxy for me, dark chocolate for C and a carob one for Lincoln who thoroughly enjoys the ritual of watching us each our chocolate each morning then is presented with one (equivalent) for himself.
We have embraced the festivities and have chosen to dive into the fast flow of Christmas. We went to the cinema for the first time in years to see 'Last Christmas' which I very much liked, though I admit shedding a little tear and I suspect it will be a future festive favourite too.
I'm hoping to get the organisation and execution of buying presents out of the way soon so we can relax and enjoy the season without the pestering niggle of having to keep thinking of things for people. C has mastered the art of baking mince pies from scratch - yes, making his own mincemeat and pastry. We bought a teeny holed tray for bitesize pies and I have to say they are utterly divine.We saw four buzzards in the skies who seemed not to mind each other's company. I hoped they would fly low overhead so I could take a good snap as my prime lens hasn't a chance at long distance but this was the best achieved. Two buzzards then landed in the hedgeline, one one a nest.
The colourmix!
There's plenty to do this weekend but as always, aiming to get outside and make the most of any dry weather for a walk somewhere peaceful.
Are you feeling festive yet?
Take care,