Hidden gems in the garden

Thursday, November 28, 2019

It's easy to feel down in the mouth about the garden at this time of year. The falling leaves look a mess and there are either remnants of plants which are withering away or I've chopped off tops and mulched in an attempt to save tubers. While dolefully staring out of the window my eyes were drawn to the peppering of ref leaves. Picking up my camera I decided to head out for a poke around while the misty rain hung in the air.
The mahonia bushes are on form at this time of year with hundreds of flowers which open then fall to the ground, leaving a dusting of yellow underneath. You cannot fail to take notice of them; the scent is very strong. I crudely call it 'strong sneeze' which is apt enough.

 Hydrangeas are fading towards brown except one small bush in the back border which is defiantly showing off it's fresh flower. This bush was languishing in a pot until I took pity on it and moved it into the border, which didn't do it any favours as it was just too dark back there. However, it's fighting back and put on a mini show of it's own way past closing time. 

The hypericum flowers are still popping here and there although I'd like to get those bushes cropped back to save saturating my clothes as I nip past.
 One of the two cyclamen plants is still alive. If I'm not mistaken there looks like flower buds tucked away in the centre, thinking about coming out to play.
 The viburnum bushes which aren't my favourite. Pink tightly packed buds ready to pop.

 Seeds that haven't been eaten or tumbled out after weeks of being ready.
 More red leafage.

 Some more leafy colouration.

 Looks like the penultimate rose - and this one nearly wasn't judging by that shabby hood.
 Winter heather just about flowering.
 Sadly, the tree I have decided is liquidambar, has lost virtually all it's beautiful leaves. The exquisite reds and oranges have been a pleasure to see each day. 
Echinops. More blue lollipops about to glow.

There's more going on of interest than it would seem at first.

Take care,

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