Holt Country Park in Autumn

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Holt country park Norfolk in autumnHolt country park Norfolk in autumnHolt country park Norfolk in autumn

The changing colour of the landscape is unmistakable. On a rather gloomy afternoon we visited Holt Country Park for a little wander and to ride the new colour wave. The rain didn't hold off for the entire time and we did get a bit wet and muddy. The mud managed to get halfway up my calves but that's the peril of being too short for your bootleg jeans. I'll leave you with my favourite pictures of the afternoon, I hope they fill you with as much wonder for nature as they do me.

Holt country park Norfolk in autumnHolt country park Norfolk in autumnHolt country park Norfolk in autumnHolt country park Norfolk in autumnHolt country park Norfolk in autumnHolt country park Norfolk in autumnHolt country park Norfolk in autumnHolt country park Norfolk in autumnHolt country park Norfolk in autumnHolt country park Norfolk in autumnHolt country park Norfolk in autumnHolt country park Norfolk in autumnHolt country park Norfolk in autumnHolt country park Norfolk in autumn

Enjoy your autumn,


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