Wild flowers in June

Friday, June 09, 2017

wildflowers in Norfolk in spring
I'm steering clear of all things news related for a while (possibly forever, if at all feasible) and instead focusing on something that fills me with joy. Wildflowers! From our wonderful wild walk on Sunday these sights were caught on camera. I have had to look up the majority and fingers crossed I have most of them correct. Above, the most glorious blue shade of 'viper's bugloss' and below I think it's bladder campion (bladder? this is surely an ungainly name for a flower.)
wildflowers in Norfolk in spring

wildflowers in Norfolk in spring
I had looked up the above last year but cannot find them any more. Oh dear.
Some red and pink poppies. I'm confused why there are pink ones.
wildflowers in Norfolk in spring

wildflowers in Norfolk in spring

wildflowers in Norfolk in spring
Could the above be 'wild mignonette'?

wildflowers in Norfolk in spring

wildflowers in Norfolk in spring

wildflowers in Norfolk in spring
Well I hope these are ox eye daisies, but I could be wrong.
wildflowers in Norfolk in spring

wildflowers in Norfolk in spring
Maybe greater knapweed above? Or another kind of thistle. Below: it looks different to the ox eye daisy, the stubby petals set it apart unless they're just growing?
wildflowers in Norfolk in spring

wildflowers in Norfolk in spring
I'm plumping for the above being Charlock, but there's a good chance I'm wrong and below, not a clusie. It needs to flower to help me out.
wildflowers in Norfolk in spring

wildflowers in Norfolk in spring
Ribwort, then poppy
wildflowers in Norfolk in spring

wildflowers in Norfolk in spring
Common mallow?
Take care of yourself, mind where you walk and don't forget to admire the flowers.

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