An Autumn review on the Winter Solstice
Friday, December 21, 2018
As Autumn draws to a firm close it's high time to look back on what goodness the season held. Back in October I shared a wishlist of things that I'd hope to achieve by the end of the year. Let's see how I did.
Bit of a melancholy post yesterday. It felt like a rather gloomy day and greyness spilled out everywhere.
Above, sloes taunting. Below, look at those berries (no doubt poisonous).
Amazing Christmas jumper it looks like was knitted on a machine. It's so warm and tricky to get into. Requires a wool wash and everything.
For no apparent reason I tend to forget that the run-up to Christmas is in Autumn. I also made a wreath that exceeded expectations, watched plenty of Christmas films and made plenty of Christmas decorations, made sloe gins, tended family obligations and overall it's been a jam-packed few months. The winter plans ought to be made soon but in the meantime I'll say happy Winter Solstice, the days' light will lengthen from hereon in but there are meteor showers tonight so if the sky's clear take a look if you can.
Take care,
- Make elderberry syrup - yes and it has been a taste revelation, delicious!
- Make rosehip syrup - yes, it's been lovely
- Capture all the sights to share - I've had a go but to be honest the coverage hasn't been up to scratch. A significant lapse in blogging has not helped.
- Make allotment produce soups for midweek lunches - I've made plenty! The roasted butternut squash with buttery onions and coconut milk was a triumph and will be repeated.
- Sort out the wardrobe for the colder weather and get rid of the things I won't wear - yes, but that hasn't applied to all the other clothes that lurk in the spare room
- Read books if there's nothing on TV I'm dying to watch - Once or twice but opting for an early night has featured heavily.
- Dismantle spent summer plants at the allotment - it's been attended to pretty well
- Plan and execute thoughtful Christmas gifts - Planning was left a little late, though the execution took far less time than expected so this went very well. I hope they are a success with recipients.
- Carve a pumpkin for halloween - no and I think it's wasteful so I've no idea why I put this on the list.
- Forage sweet chestnuts - we got quite a nice haul and they were lovely. Had to resort to supermarket since though as the ones off the market were dreadful - so old and dry. What a swizz.
- Harvest allotment apples and remaining pears - yes
- Create new allotment flower plot - yes! This was exciting and I'll write about this soon.
- Plant up pots for winter colour and spring bulbs - they have been establishing well. Little violas on top with a bulb lasagne underneath.
- Tidy and clean out greenhouse - it's not finished quite yet...
- I'd like to read my 'Autumn' book that I've not picked up yet - gah! Not once.
- Plan the allotment layouts for 2019 - no. Something for the winter then!
- Cut the wildflower patch and re-spray the new extension - We cut it but have suffered a setback.
- I haven't penned a letter for at least a year and I would like to get back to writing - I sent Christmas letters to two of C's aunts. Aren't I thoughtful?
Bit of a melancholy post yesterday. It felt like a rather gloomy day and greyness spilled out everywhere.
Above, sloes taunting. Below, look at those berries (no doubt poisonous).
Amazing Christmas jumper it looks like was knitted on a machine. It's so warm and tricky to get into. Requires a wool wash and everything.
For no apparent reason I tend to forget that the run-up to Christmas is in Autumn. I also made a wreath that exceeded expectations, watched plenty of Christmas films and made plenty of Christmas decorations, made sloe gins, tended family obligations and overall it's been a jam-packed few months. The winter plans ought to be made soon but in the meantime I'll say happy Winter Solstice, the days' light will lengthen from hereon in but there are meteor showers tonight so if the sky's clear take a look if you can.
Take care,