Far from the Everglades
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
The forecast was for drizzle yet when the skies clear and sun comes out to shine it's only right to down tools and head out for a bit of vitamin D. As we like to frequent the same old haunts over and over - more out of having nowhere else reliable to wander - it becomes quite a task to find somewhere new and worthwhile to walk. Our demands are not exactly high: must be able to park and ideally not much if any roads unless they're especially quiet. Personally, I'm happy with any kind of landscape as it's the little details and light which matter most to me.
I commented that it felt like we were entering the Everglades when we reached some swampy looking puddles. Any alligators lurking? None I spotted.
The hunt for fungi requires a good bit of concentration as many are hidden, camouflaged or just so minute they are easily missed.
Above, the top of this one had a distinctly leathery look.
Intriguing artistry on this specimen.
A little cork, popped from a champagne bottle!
Little signs of next year's leaf buds.
Take care,