That was it
Saturday, December 27, 2014That was it.
I always think that the build up to Christmas is the best bit; the main day itself is over before you know it and by Boxing day it all feels rather old. This year had a different feel to it than ever before in that we decided (I suggested) that instead of inviting family around to our house as we had the last six years, that we have a quiet Christmas of just our little family; me, him and our dog. It's selfish isn't it, but in the eleven Christmases we've been together we've never spent any time together on the big day. We didn't live together until we were married (not religious reasons, lol, just a practicality) and we spent the day with our respective families, then once we had our place we invited them all to ours. As the most capable in the kitchen Chris was designated head chef and I the hostess-cum-sous chef, which let me tell you is the hardest job as you have to juggle everything all in one go. The last few years Chris has been slaving in the kitchen all morning with me barely exchanging any non cooking based words at all then by the time the meal is over we're too tired and emotional/drunk to communicate anyway.
This year I wanted to have a cute and private Christmas.
We ordered a turkey from a friend-of-a- friend which meant a rather larger one than we needed but at mates rates it worked out as the absolute best value (in fact I feel like we stole it) so we planned a proper full roast but with just enough for the two of us plus a generous quantity of leftovers.
We woke up nice and early to make sure that the bird went in the oven on time then opened our stocking presents (yes we do stockings!) Mine is my childhood original and I love it so much) and went for a good walk with Lincoln. It was notably quiet and still which was very peaceful. We wrapped up warm, held hands and enjoyed the fresh air.
Then we enjoyed coffee and exchanging our own presents before preparing the rest of the food. I was spoiled rotten with thoughtful gifts and I tried to buy a few surprises for Chris too, think I did ok.
Although we planned to eat at 1pm, inevitably things took far longer to prepare which tends to be the case, it wasn't a worry that everything was ready nearer to 2:30pm. No stress! We changed into smarter clothes to eat – tradition and it adds to the sense of occasion. I wore my vintage emerald green dress (£1.50) which even got me a compliment so I guess it looked nice enough.
We couldn't manage pudding and instead fancied a stroll before it got too dark which Lincoln was most impressed about and it felt most refreshing to get outside in the cool air. Not long after getting home there was a knock on the door from my brother and his girlfriend as they were passing by. We washed up, unwrapped our presents then flopped on the sofa for The Holiday and The Polar Express (apparently, I fell asleep before we even saw the train) and the 'oranges' episode of Dad's Army before heading to bed.
On Boxing day we took Lincoln for a walk after a lovely lay-in, then had an early obligatory turkey sandwich lunch before heading to the coast for an afternoon walk then another sofa-based evening. More to come on that at a later date.
Oh its been a delight! I could burst with joy.