Red kites and blue skies

Monday, April 11, 2016

red kite in Norfolk
Cast your minds back to Good Friday if you will, the only day of the Easter weekend when the sun shone brightly and the skies stayed a deep rich blue from dawn 'til dusk. We spent almost all day outside to make the most of it while it lasted. I couldn't have been happier.
I took my camera out as always and was rewarded with plenty of spring sights to see. I'm convinced we spotted a red kite; the colours looked pretty bright. It could have been a buzzard. It made for a special time watching it soaring and circling through the lens.
spring in Norfolk countryside

spring in Norfolk countryside

spring in Norfolk countryside

spring in Norfolk countryside

spring in Norfolk countryside

spring in Norfolk countryside

spring in Norfolk countryside

red kite in Norfolk

spring in Norfolk countryside

spring in Norfolk countryside

spring in Norfolk countryside

spring in Norfolk countryside

spring in Norfolk countryside

spring in Norfolk countryside

spring in Norfolk countryside

spring in Norfolk countryside

spring in Norfolk countryside
Is spring inspiring you too?

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