Welcome sights
Friday, August 11, 2017
There's something spontaneous and exciting about taking my camera out for a stroll. Who knows what might present itself to be snapped? As I mentioned the other day, there were two separate sightings of scabious growing wild, which I've never seen round our way before, just the once in the Peak District last year. That was most pleasing.
Of course there is plenty that I'd like to see but haven't yet. It's quite rare we go anywhere with the intention of seeing anything specifically – though we do head out to see bluebells in a particular spot, snowdrops too... Fungi... Well maybe we do more than I thought, but predominantly it's more of a 'see what we see while we're there' attitude.
Ever drawn to dead and crispy old weeds, they look so fascinating standing strong amongst the grass. A majestic beauty in their own right.
There are so many welcome sights of summer. Wispy blue skies, flowers, the appearance of berries and nuts and fungi. The swallows, swifts and martins. The butterflies and dragonflies. It's a whole different world on a beautiful bright day. I honestly can't imagine wanting to trade that in for anywhere else on the planet. It's home and it's perfect.
Take care,